February 2024
Hello Edgelands Fans!
Website Update
Our website has received another update, including this news section, and we've also uploaded a section about us, where you can read more about the members of our team.
Join Our Growing Online Community
We've resisted for a long time but - finally - we've given in and registered on the major social media sites. If you like this sort of thing, follow us on Facebook, Twi(X)ter, Instagram, or Reddit.
Share your opinions about the comic with us!
Big Plans for 2024
Our biggest plan for this year is to release the first printed Edgelands volume, which will include the Prologue, Episode 1, and Episode 2, and will be around 100 pages.
We are planning a pre-order phase for the Hungarian edition, and before the English edition, we will launch a Kickstarter campaign.
We are brainstorming a lot about Kickstarter extras, and we will write more when we have figured it out (we definitely want to include 3D printed figures :) )
While a specific release date is still in the works, we are aiming for a summer launch.
In addition to the printed publication, we are planning digital issues as well. In these, you will find new illustrations, short stories, and world descriptions.
Silent Regent: Our New Publisher
To provide legal backing, we've created a small indie publishing house. This is still super secret information, but we are working on other things besides the comic. If you like non-traditional horror and weird fantasy publications, visit our website: www.silentregent.com
Collaboration with Nimue Publishing
Our Hungarian-language editions will be published in Hungary through our writer, Istvan Lakatos' publishing house.
Istvan publishes great comics in Hungarian, such as Zerocalcare's volumes and Moomin. You can also find his own books, like "Dobozváros" or "Rájás Gerbaud." Nimue Publishing Website
Stay With Us
For the latest news, subscribe to our newsletter, and if you can, please support us on Patreon.
Best regards,
The Edgelands Team